Laser Therapy

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At Legacy Dental, we use a few different kinds of laser wavelengths to aid in the treatment of periodontal disease.

How it works

In some circumstanes periodontal laser therapy, a dental laser is used as a complement therapy to the typical scaling and root planning treatment. Our hygienists will use a diode laser to reduce the bacterial count in the pockets around the teeth and to help in the treatment of gingivial inflammation.

Our dentists will use a Waterlase hard and soft tissue laser. This laser is able to access and remove the inflamed gum tissue from around the root of the tooth. The laser can also remove the bacteria infection in the surrounding tissue, which is one of the root causes of periodontal disease.

The laser is also effective in removing additional tartar and calculus in deep pockets, as well as preparing the tooth's surface for reattachment of the gum tissue.

With these lasers, we can directly target the diseased areas without being invasive.

If you would like to learn more about laser therapy, or find out if this is right for you, book an appointment with our team today! Request Appointment

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All services provided by general dentists: Dr. Ian Miller, Dr. Noreen Richter, Dr. Richard Boehme, Dr. Baldip Sihota

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